Now I'm offering in-house taxation training to companies or individuals.
The topics covered are as follow:
* Ketentuan Umum Perpajakan (General Rules of Taxation)
* Income Tax for Individuals
* Income Tax for Corporate
* Income Tax Article 21/26 -> tax withholding for employees, etc.
* Income Tax Article 23/26 -> tax withholding for rents, services, etc.
* Income Tax Article 4(2) -> 'final' tax withholdings
* Income Tax Article 22 -> income tax for certain industries and imports
* Income Tax Article 24 -> income tax for income from foreign countries
* Accounting for Taxation
* Land and Property Tax
* Land and Property Acquisition Duty (BPHTB)
* Stamp Duty (Bea Meterai)
* Value Added Tax (VAT)
* Sales Tax for Luxury Goods
* Tax Court
* Import Taxes
* Tax Facilities
* International Taxation
* eSPT (Electronic Tax Reports)

I can deliver the training in English or in Indonesia. Flexible hours, including evening and weekends.
Contact me if anyone is interested.
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