Dirjen Pajak telah mengeluarkan bentuk formulir baru untuk SPT Masa PPh 21 & 26, berlaku mulai masa pajak Juli 2009.

Formulirnya (beserta kelengkapannya) dapat di-download disini.

Sayangnya formulir-formulir tersebut dalam format Word, bukan Excel.


The tax authority have issued a new form for Income Tax Article 21 & 26 monthly tax returns, to be in use starting from the tax period of July 2009.

The forms (and the necessary attachments) can be downloaded here.

Too bad the forms are in Word, not in Excel format.
Now I'm offering in-house taxation training to companies or individuals.
The topics covered are as follow:
* Ketentuan Umum Perpajakan (General Rules of Taxation)
* Income Tax for Individuals
* Income Tax for Corporate
* Income Tax Article 21/26 -> tax withholding for employees, etc.
* Income Tax Article 23/26 -> tax withholding for rents, services, etc.
* Income Tax Article 4(2) -> 'final' tax withholdings
* Income Tax Article 22 -> income tax for certain industries and imports
* Income Tax Article 24 -> income tax for income from foreign countries
* Accounting for Taxation
* Land and Property Tax
* Land and Property Acquisition Duty (BPHTB)
* Stamp Duty (Bea Meterai)
* Value Added Tax (VAT)
* Sales Tax for Luxury Goods
* Tax Court
* Import Taxes
* Tax Facilities
* International Taxation
* eSPT (Electronic Tax Reports)

I can deliver the training in English or in Indonesia. Flexible hours, including evening and weekends.
Contact me if anyone is interested.